Web page ©Cameron Cunningham
Graphics ©: Val Biro except where stated



Val met Arthur Wragg when he worked with C.&J.Temple (1946-48) and Wragg's philosophy and art work had a profound influence on the young artist. At the time Wragg was working on the illustrations for 'Moll Flanders' by Daniel Defoe. These became recognised as his masterpiece.

Cameron and I tried, in vain,to find a copy. The quality of Wraggs work that so inspired Val can be seen below in these illustrations from 'Wuthering Heights', by Emily Bronte, published in 1966 by Heron Books London.

Note. A search for the copyright owner of these illustrations is ongoing. Any information welcome.




To enjoy these exquisite engravings full size CLICK on the picture.


Click on my picture to return to Val's biography.


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