Web page ©Cameron Cunningham
All graphics ©: Val Biro and used with his permission
Val's illustration for the first story in the book 'Worlds Without End' by Denys Val Baker
Baker writes;
In my room I sit humming a tune: the whole wide world is crackling firewood and the black smoke is swirling and coughing on every seashore, the hills and the valleys are speckled with spitting blood from the madman furnace, the lakes and the rivers are emptying into dust, the houses and the streets are crumbling in the evening shadows and dying starkly in the cruel morning laughter: I sit humming this tune and the sound echoes only in this room.

"This book was another of the first commissions that Charles Rosner gave to Val when he was 24 years of age.
Below you will find two more of the wonderful illustrations in the book that will enable you to appreciate the fine detail of Val's skill as a wood engraver."
"While 'The Seeker', below, is beautifully clean, sharp and enigmatically symbolic, the 'Rider of the Mist' is my all time favourite. Val has magnificently captured the misty atmosphere, the frantic haste and sense of almost desperation in the wonderful and subtle lines of both horse and rider. Click on the images to see them full size. Well worth the download time."

Click on my picture to return to Val's biography.